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Itt vagy most: Hunderground | Zenekarok | Wisdom | Biográfia
Wisdom (HU) Biográfia
Stílus: Heavy metal, Power metal, Metal

2001. őszén alakult a zenekar néhány együtt töltött szórakozást köwetően. Az éwek során aztán, ahogy komolyodtak a dolgaink, és a szakma a közönséggel karöltwe egyre jobban kezdett felfigyelni ránk, mindinkább elérhetőwé wáltak eredeti céljaink. Sokat segített az is, hogy előzenekarkodhattunk ismert külföldi bandák előtt (Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Helloween, Europe, Heaven and Hell, UDO, Doro, stb.), de a kezdeti áttörést wégül az első kislemezünk (Wisdom EP) hozta meg 2004-ben, melyet akkor rendhagyó módon, a HammerWorld magazin melléleteként lehetett beszerezni.
Ezután megpróbáltunk élni a lehetőséggel, klipeket készítettünk (Strain of Madness 2004, Unholy Ghost 2005), rengeteget koncerteztünk, és igyekeztünk tökéletesíteni a Wisdom wilágát, mely születése óta kísérte zenekart. 2006-ban aztán wégre megjelent az első nagylemezünk is, Words of Wisdom címmel. A lemezbemutató koncertre Wiseman is feléledt, és 2D-s figurából 3D-s rocksztárrá nőtte ki magát. Egyből meg is kapta a Wisdom című klipünk főszerepét.
Az album megjelenése után sorra jöttek a sikerek és az elismerések (Fonogram díj jelölés, több Tw és újság Éw lemeze és Éw reménysége díja, stb.). Felfigyelt ránk a japán Soundholic kiadó is, melynek segítségéwel egész Ázsiában kapható lett a lemez. Önálló turnét tudtunk már csinálni, a koncertszerwezők is komolyan számoltak welünk, sorra megnyíltak a kapuk előttünk, wiszont mindezzel a teher is nőtt a wállunkon. Mégjobb lemezt, mégjobb koncerteket akartunk, de a sok közös együttlét, walamint a kicsit eltérő elképzelések feszültséget szültek a zenekaron belül.
Wégül 2007. wégén egy kislemezzel jelentkeztünk (At the Gates), amely a köwetkező nagylemez felwezetője lett wolna, de közben úgy alakultak a dolgaink, hogy egy hosszabb pihenőre kényszerültünk. A látszat ellenére a zenekar nem oszlott fel és nem szűnt meg, lassan de biztosan készül az új album is, ami továbbviszi Wiseman történetét.
Addig is, Keep Wiseman Alive!

Wisdom was formed in the fall of 2001 to bring back those glorious days when a rock-concert was a real big experience. When the performance, the attitude of the musicians and the music they played was intended to impress the audience.
Our music (wisdommetal) is composed of the heavy/power metal elements. Recently almost impossible to come up with something brand new but it is still possible to create something superb. This is our basic conception and principle we follow and try to stick to. We especially pay attention to write meaningful and thoughtful lyrics. The whole conception of Wisdom is based upon our drive to share wisdom with our audience through our music. Wiseman, our cabala figure helps us to fulfil this mission.
In the beginning of 2002 we made our first steps on the bumpy road when three songs were recorded for promotional purposes. After a few concerts, in 2003 we were honoured with the opportunity to open for Iron Maiden. We have also been given the chance to share the stage with several other foreign bands later on; among them were U.D.O., Saxon, Doro and Dionysus. And finally in this year we started to play on Motorcycle festivals thanks to an agreement with Wild magazine.
In the summer of 2004 we released an EP as an attachment of Hammer World Magazine. It contained four of our songs, the music video of Strain of Madness and some multimedia material. This event made the Wisdom name well-known countrywide. The live presentation of these songs was in July as the guest band of the legendary Europe.
Having completed our first music-video we made the second one which was based on a brand new song Unholy Ghost. Although the LP on which it was intended to appear was still under production the video itself has often been broadcasted by mainstream media. It was played by Viva TV in daytime hours such as by main Radio channels.
We made our first independent concert in the biggest Hungarian rock club on the 19th of November 2005. This spectacular show was named Keep Wiseman Alive and was attended by a lot more people than we previously expected (more than 1200) and we got a lot of positive feedback.
The year of 2006 started with a great experience: we played as the guest band of Helloween. Right after it the Hammer World magazine readers voted us the Trust of the Year; furthermore they placed us to the list of their ten favourite bands too. We were also awarded with the great honour of being the winners of Viva TV’s Megawatt Live 2006 in the Trust of the Year category by the viewers’ votes.
Then at last our long-promised first LP was released on the 6th of November 2006 entitled Words of Wisdom. It contained 11 songs, the video of Wisdom and multimedia. The mastering was made in the famous Finnvox studios in Finland. The album was sold out during one month! The success reached overseas and we signed a contract with the Japan Soundholic Records. The live performance of the album was called Keep Wiseman Alive II with full house again.
In the first part of 2007 we were nominated in the Found of the Year category of the biggest Hungarian Music Awards. The winner of this category represented Hungary on Eurovision Song Contest in Finland. We lost it but won awards of The Best Album of 2006 which gave us a big hope for the spring Words of Wisdom tour.
In July we managed to open for Black Sabbath (Heaven and Hell) and with that one of our biggest dreams came true. In the end of the year we released At the Gates maxi as to report progress between 2 albums. And have celebrated it with the Keep Wiseman Alive III together with a lot of fans.
From 2008 we try to focus almost only for the new songs and background works of our new album. This is planned to release in the spring of 2010. That’s why we had just a few concerts nowadays but one of these was together with Judas Priest in Bucharest.

Wisdom hírek
2013. szeptember 1., vasárnap, 20:01
2013. október 1.-én fog megjelenni a 3. nagylemezünk, Marching For Liberty  ...
2009. november 11., szerda, 09:10
Alig pár nap van a szombati Wisdom koncertig, a jegyelővételből pedig  ...
2009. október 4., vasárnap, 19:04
A napokban sikerült megállapodást kötnünk a Royal Vodkával, a nov. 14-i  ...
Wisdom (HU)
Heavy metal, Power metal, Metal