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Itt vagy most: Hunderground | Zenekarok | Asgard. | Diszkográfia | Covered by darkness | Covered by darkness
Asgard. (HU) Diszkográfia
Stílus: Industrial rock, Metal, Thrash metal
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Covered by darkness

Covered by darkness
0.Covered by darkness (05:29)
1.Ghost (04:19)

Covered by darkness

I am the god and i am the light
i am the evil that feels the fears
Of a little child
Covered by darkness
Yeah it’s my night

Oh my god , just tell me
why you hurting me
i will be NEVER what i wanted to be
a covered world, in others’ dream

i am the black and i am the light
i am the guardian of this real life

Covered by darkness
Yeah it’s my night

Oh my god , just tell me
why you hurting me
i will be NEVER what i wanted to be
a covered world, in others’ dream

Load up your guns then aim
At the stars
bring me down so eat me up
Kill me now.

My world is covered by the darkness and the night
my life is decieved and died it can personify all of your fears!

Asgard. hírek
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Asgard. (HU)
Industrial rock, Metal, Thrash metal