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MA: 21 
Itt vagy most: Hunderground | Zenekarok | Asgard. | Diszkográfia | Covered by darkness | Ghost
Asgard. (HU) Diszkográfia
Stílus: Industrial rock, Metal, Thrash metal
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Covered by darkness
0.Covered by darkness (05:29)
1.Ghost (04:19)

I was sleeping in my bed when
Devil brought me some pills of death
It was too dark outta my eager dream
I didnt dare to think that it was the …

NIGHT! (yeahh)
He was here AGAIN.
Like in my own DREAM
When i dreamt with all
Of creatures in my life
I just called them ghosts
Of this beautiful life
I knew, were the humandkind

comes the ghosts ,
everytime, every minutes in our lives
just take me

i just went outdoor alone
streets were silence and so were empty
i heard god cryin as i swore :
i dont really want to suffer till eternity

i will never lie
even if i cry
i dont want to be the only god
i dont wanna tell what i really felt
but this time....

….Im the boy whom you want
I could deflower all the gods
And jesus…..FUCK
I just see all the slaves of the
Blood-chargling faith
And you bros….you”ll live

The time has come
To make it end
I want christians to be deads
Dont believe them
They just tell you what they want
No matter what u want(whatta fuck you want)

Asgard. hírek
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Asgard. (HU)
Industrial rock, Metal, Thrash metal